Our Applications & Solutions

YourTV Now


A turnkey white label cloud pay TV service powered by the award-winning Minerva 10 platform, Minerva YourTV Now allows operators to efficiently turn their video services into the “best place for the best content.” Minerva YourTV Now, pre-integrated with popular OSS/BSS systems, features service management, video encoding/transcoding, time-shifting and streaming services.

Compelling User Experience

  • Personalized Recommendations
  • Voice Search and Filters for Ease of Discovery
  • Restart, Catch-Up, and Pause Live TV
  • Series and Binge Watching
  • Seamless Navigation Across All Content Sources
  • Applications for Consumer Devices and Set-Top Boxes

Operator Configurable User Interface

  • Easily Create Unlimited Stripes and Pages
  • Define Rules to Place Content on Stripes
    – Recommendations, Trending, Curated Content, Filters
  • Control Visual Presentation and Navigation
  • Dynamically Promote Specific Content
  • Customizable Presentation by Device Type

Superior Operator Control

  • Full End-to-End Solution
  • Content Promotion and Merchandising
  • Regional Lineups and Service Packages
  • Hospitality Specific Services
  • Playback Policy Rules by Device and Content

Fastest Time to Convert

  • Turnkey Cloud Offering
  • Full ABR and Multicast Headend
  • Support BYODs and Set-Top Boxes
  • Transition from any Legacy System

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Our Solutions

System Solutions

To grow your business – and your revenue – operators want the Knowledge, Assets and impartial technical guidance only a true Value-Add Partner can deliver! From HFC and DOCSIS to x-PHYTM; from FTTx – xPON and RFoG to IPTV; from Linear Video to Multi-Screen; MHz best-in-class Technologies and Client Services will meet your goals while exceeding your expectations…

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Client Services

Too much on your plate?
Not enough hours in your day?

The next time you need, Linear Video or Multi-Screen, MPEG, DOCSIS or x-PHYTM, IP or RF resources to support the operation of Multi-Vendor, Multi-Technology products deployed in your HFC or FTTx network, MHz can help!

Choose from a customized package of remote “Fractional Engineering” hours you can use over an extended period of time; or our on-site Integration and Activation Services.

Both can offset your temporary work-load.

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