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Our Applications & Solutions

Live Fiber Finder/Tone Generators

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Performing network upgrade or optical testing requires a fiber to be disconnected. This is often easier said than done, since finding the right connection can be tricky, namely because of fiber mislabeling or poor record keeping. While the dark fiber can be identified using a tone generator (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz), the live fiber identification technique often involves one technician pulling one end of the patchcord, with another technician trying to identify which patchcord is moving at the other end-a process that translates into long delays and can result in unnecessary service disruption.

Combined with the TG-300B Tone Generator, the innovative LFD-300B Fiber Finder Live Fiber Identifier* enables technicians to identify a specific live fiber without having to disconnect it and, above all, without having to guess.

This brings key benefits:

  • No more network outages as a result of fiber detection/identification procedures
  • The minimized need to access the network helps prevent errors


  • Pinpoints a specific live fiber using EXFO’s Fiber Finder functionality
  • Induces minimal loss: ≤ 1 dB
  • Locates a particular dark fiber using tone recognition (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz)
  • Improved: faster test cycle-three times faster (<6 s)



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